
Time to Get Rid of Money
Money has been said to be the source of all evil but this is wrong, it is class society. However it must be said that money is nevertheless a…
Bibliography from the 1998 book Money and the Human Condition by Michael Neary and Graham Taylor.
Money has no value
In this chapter taken from Capitalist Economics (2022), Samuel Chambers explains how the fetish of money works using credit-debt and value social…
dollar bills
Charles Radcliffe arrested for producing fake dollar bills in protest against the Vietnam War. Internationale Situationniste #11 (October1967)
An old computer console and landline telephone. Hands type on a small keyboard
A text on money and magic, published anonymously in the 11th issue of L'encyclopedie des Nuisances, dated June 1987. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! October 2006. All footnotes by…