
schnews 50 masthead
Partial PDF archive of SchNEWS issues from 1995. Topics include: protests against live animal exports at Shoreham, Criminal Justice Act, road protests, "crap arrests", hunt sabs, stop &…
schnews 3 masthead
Archive of the first few issues of SchNEWS. Topics covered include: Criminal Justice Act, eviction of the courthouse squat, CCTV in Brighton, M11 road protest evictions.
Partial online archive of SchNEWS, a free weekly direct action / anti-capitalist newsletter published in Brighton from 1994-2014.
500 years of resistance
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper including: education workers network, tories plan more anti-union legislation, NALGO launches…
"educating for a classless society"
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, including: SWP relaunch the Anti-Nazi League, youth training schemes, education under capitalism,…
Black and white photo of a demo. Placards read "We are here to stay / We are here to fight" and "Stop the attacks"
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, including: after Wapping, Despatch Industry Workers Union, UK unions round up, racism & fascism…
"would you trust your health to an accountant?"
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, including: Syndicalism revisited, review of Class War international conference, OILC - Offshore…
photo of Lenin "So much to answer for"
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper including: the Lucas Plan, the ANC vs workers in South Africa, Norway, international news, anarcho…
"From Moscow to Washington - international anarcho-syndicalism" - black text printed over a full page crowd scene in red ink
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper including: Tory "citizens charter", Trades Councils - are they worth it?, Dave Douglass on the NUM…
"organise - and win! Fight for our class"
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper including: Liverpool: why Militant was not the answer, poll tax victory, RMT strikes, fighting…
"war games: we're not playing" - photo of two knights in chain mail fighting with axes and shields
An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, including: Gulf War, North sea oil workers wildcat strikes, Poland chronology of recent events,…
"Bin the bills" a photo of a leg operating a lever on a kitchen bin.
An issue of DAM's anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, incluidng: poll tax, DAM conference report, Not A Lot Going On (NALGO), CNT congress, DAM…